
DAN.IT invests in your future tech success

We offer a speedway to high-income tech careers without the financial and time burdens of a traditional degree. In a matter of months, you will master application-ready skills that will empower you to start performing on the job from day one. And here’s the kicker - you don’t have to pay anything until you land a job!

course image

How it works

  • Choose your programme of study
  • Pass the aptitude test
  • Sit an interview with one of our career managers
  • Complete your official enrollment
  • Study hard and gain top-tier skills
  • Receive a job offer in 6 months
  • Start repaying your tuition on a monthly basis
How it works

DAN. IT at Glance

  • 73% of our graduates have launched successful careers in tech
  • 1250+ students around the world have taken our courses
  • 6+ years helping students around the world gain in-demand skills
  • 4 countries and counting: Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Israel, UK

Employment Guarantee

We know our courses work and we’re confident they will work for you too. That’s why we’ve made a simple pledge: land your dream tech job within 6 months of completing your course - or pay nothing!

Employment Guarantee

Advisory Board

Our network of blue-chip company specialists regularly scouts the graduate talent pool for potential hires and continuously hand-vets and adapts DAN.IT’s curriculum to meet shifting market demands.

Unique Teaching Methodology

TELEM redefines learning by doing with an unflinching focus on real-world use cases and practical exercises, dashing all the theory faff that you can’t apply in practice.


  • Profession
  • Soft Skills
  • Hard Skills
  • Motivation And Capacity

Online Learning That Works

You will learn in a SCRUM-based, real-time environment that emulates on-the-job conditions and you will receive practical tuition and support from leading industry experts

Online Learning That Works

Ready to start your tech journey?

Book a free advisory session with one of our careers managers and they will walk you through everything you need to know about breaking into the field:

  • Choosing the career path that best fits your goals!
  • What are the most in-demand skills you need to succeed?
  • Best ways to upskill in your desired profession!
  • How to land your dream job within 6 months after graduation?

Book Your Free Career Consultation Today!