
About event

DAN.IT education begin to launch regular theme-related topics for Employer Branding, HR, CSR, and other relevant areas.

To meet you, we exclusively invited Sharon Israel, Israeli global marketing expert with 20 years of experience, Rimma Men, Head of Employer Brand and Employee Experience at Ciklum and Sophia Karapetian, Head Of People Partner at AllStars-IT Ukraine, to compare brand development in different countries and to detail the successful cases of international corporations such as Amazon and Microsoft.

Would you like to make your potential employees feel honored just working on you? To keep your brand exciting and inspiring, so you could choose the best of the best ones? We invite you to get acquainted with the direction of Employer Branding, which hits the records of popularity, and to compare the experience of successful brand development in Ukraine and abroad. Find out if you’re right in the process of finding and retaining talent, which innovative tools can be helpful, and how to reach the goals of your business.

After registration on website, our manager will contact you to confirm that you have been added to the list of visitors.

Location: 1b, Pavla Tychyny ave., Kyiv, Ukraine Silver Breeze, office A, 6th floor.

Our event partner is Alcor, a service provider for IT business, an alternative to the traditional IT outsourcing model. The company provides services for the organization and support of R&D centers of foreign IT companies in Ukraine: office search and recruitment services with full legal and financial support. In addition, Alcor takes care of the established R&D office and provides it with a full range of operational management.


You'll find out

  • find out what Employer Branding is, why it matters, all about trends in this area
  • learn to find an approach to different types of talent (milennials, leaders, etc.)
  • learn about the components of a successful EB project: storytelling, social networks, KPI, package of questions
  • define cases of Amazon, Google, Adidas, GE, Microsoft, Heineken, etc.
  • you also can ask questions for speakers and get networked with colleagues informally


  • Sharon Israel

    Sharon Israel

    • Founder and CEO at Xtra Mile, a lifecycle marketing agency
    • Global leader in employer branding strategies and its implementation into business
    • With 20+ years of experience in global marketing, Sharon brings to this lecture her experience in employer branding and internal communication projects for companies such as Microsoft, Roche Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson, Skybox Security, Verint and many
  • Rimma Men

    Rimma Men

    • Head of Employer Brand and Employee Experience at Ciklum. Has been working in Ciklum for the last 12 years, 7 of them leading distributed cross-location team. Currently based in London
    • In her role she focus on building and strengthening company employer brand’s ability to attract best talents and on employees’ engagement with company’s goals and culture
    • Rima constantly developing EVP and employer brand and bringing it to life externally and internally through online and offline channels via the network of regional teams
  • Sophia Karapetian

    Sophia Karapetian

    • Head Of People Partner at AllStars-IT Ukraine
    • Social psychologist by profession and experienced full cycle HR. More than 12 years in the profession, behind the management and development of HR departments of large international companies and IT start-ups.
    • Unique expertise on settling communication processes and business processes for distributed teams of foreign clients. Many projects and unique approaches to developing an employer's brand in collaboration with the marketing department of the company.


  • 9:50 - 10:15

    Welcome coffee

  • 10:15 – 11:15

    Meeting with Sharon Israel

    Topic: Employer Branding – Catching The Right Fish

    • What it is “Employer Branding” and why everyone keeps talking about it?
    • Analysis of Employer Branding projects on examples of international corporations
    • Storytelling, why it matters how to apply the strength and power of stories in the company’s life or startup (Microsoft’s example)
    • The company’s slogan and its role in competent Employer Branding (on the example of Amazon, Google, etc. About how these companies bring the information contained in the slogan to new and potential employees and what impact it has)
    • How to properly apply Employer Branding in social networks?
  • 11:15 – 12:00

    Meeting with a Rimma Men

    Topic: Why How What: best practices of employer branding in Ciklum


  • 12:00 – 12:30

    Meeting with a Sophia Karapetian

    Topic: Strengthening the employer’s internal brand through the skill of cross-cultural communication

    As an example of Israeli companies that successfully develop their R&D centers in Ukraine, Sofia will share the author’s works in developing cultural and mental differences between workers in the two countries, the challenges faced by the employer in retaining talent in companies working on the offshore model.
    Case studies of successful day-to-day issues related to motivation and staffing will be analyzed. She will also share how they implement it in their work through the development of communication skills of employees and the training of remote managers for the effective management and construction of communications with Ukrainian developers.
  • 12:30 – 13:00

    Q&A and free networking


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